TIP BASED Part 2 San Jose Costa Rica (Saturday Sep 14 11:00 am CST)


Tip based Tour

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Tip based tour: Alright, time for the second leg of our adventure! We’re diving into some gorgeous urban parks, and I’m not just talking about pretty scenery. Get ready to meet the green gang – all those cool trees and vegetation. I’ll spill the beans on their names and even their secret superpowers or uses.

Even if you missed the first part, we left off at the National Theater? Well, that’s our starting point for round two. And guess where we’ll wrap it up? Right by the National Monument – it’s the cherry on top. This whole second part of the tour is like a breath of fresh air in the city’s lungs. Let’s get our green on

Join me: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83195187524?

for donations: https://paypal.me/livevirtualtours?country.x=CR&locale.x=en_US


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